

    Mrs Akanksha Singh1 and Dr. Kaushiki Singh2*


Purpose – This exploratory study's major goal is to examine the specified human capital development required for contemporary entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach – The author performed a quantitative study using a specially constructed questionnaire, a sample of 480 young people aged between 18 and 35, drawing on a thorough evaluation of the major contributions to research and practise in the area of human capital and entrepreneurship. The responses gathered were analysed using exploratory factor analysis. Findings – The close ended questionnaire identified four key human capitals development needed byentrepreneurship.The determined factors of human capital development extracted through factor analysis are skills, education, career planning and competence for entrepreneurship. Research limitations/implications – The study is based on data collected by a sample of 480 young people from Lucknow city, according to a quantitative approach that focuses on a specific social field, and therefore the results cannot be immediately generalised to other fields. Practical implications –The study identifies the key factors of human capital development needed for entrepreneurship, in order to generate employability and create value. Originality/value – Empirical evidence connecting entrepreneurship with the development of human capital is lacking. This paper has relevance for enterprise assistance organisations looking to stay current with the demands of entrepreneurs striving to build their businesses.

Keyword : Entrepreneurship, Human capital development, skills, competence education and career planning.

Published in Issue
Dec 31, 2021
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