Pakistan is the only one country that came into being after the State of Madinah for the sake of Islam. The world of changing political systems also agrees that the system established by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Caliphate was ideal. Under Islamic Principles of Jurisprudence, Sources of Sharia (principles of Islamic legislation) which are agreed upon by the Islamic Scholars are four i.e. Quran, Sunnah, consensus of Ummah (Ijmaa) and Qiyaas. Whereas, Public good and interest (Maslehat), Prohibition of evasive legal devices (Sadd adh-dhara'i'), and Common practice and Law (Urf) involve the debates on the purpose of Sharia. Which depends on the implementation of this system of justice. One debate is about Sharia and law and the other comprises the procedure of its implementation for a just system. The method of Nabi’s (SAW) revolution comprises two words “Dawah and Jihad”. Dawah is prominent in his Meccan life whereas Jihad is prominent in Medina,s life. To end the oppression in Pakistan and establishment of the system of Justice, struggle is being carried out in three ways. First one is Democracy and elective Politics, second is Rebellion and Qitaal, the third methodology involves the implementation of Justice in Pakistan through movement and protests. There are many scholars who agree that the root of all the problems in Pakistan is that Sharia is not implemented. Therefore, it is a big need of time that organized and unarmed movements for the implementation of Sharia should be started in true spirit.
Keyword : Islamic Sharia, System of Justice, Democracy, Rebellion and Qitaal and Movement and Protest.
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