

    Prof. Dr. Hiteshkumar Nimbark


The economic era is changing quickly throughout the world. Looking at the history of the currencies, from the barter system to Bitcoin and now to Ethereum, the core aim is to predict the cost. Ethereum differs from Bitcoin in many aspects, like hashing algorithms and the execution time of blocks. However, as Ethereum is a programmable code taking part in transactions considering smart contracts, it is necessary to predict the Ethereum prize based on historical and live data. Hence, this paper presents the proposed algorithm ‘DeepCoinCap,’ which can compare the various datasets using deep learning training and validation of time-series datasets. The core aim is to identify the Ethereum price trends and correlated elements which impact the future cost. The aspects like social situations, economic changes, and geographical conditions can affect the Ethereum price trends, which need to be validated.

Keyword : Block chain, deep learning, machine learning, price prediction, Ethereum

Published in Issue
September 29, 2022
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