An important factor to consider in assessing the development of a country is the construction of infrastructure works, housing, and buildings for commercial and industrial purposes that contribute to improving people's quality of life. All those involved in the construction process, before starting a project, must know in detail the costs of the process, both the design and the construction of the work, therefore, in this research, the objective is to determine the factors that influence the variation of costs of construction projects in Ecuador and a possible minimization of the impact of the factors analyzed in the cost of construction projects. To this end, the following research questions are posed: What are the factors involved in the variation of construction costs in Ecuador?, How to minimize the negative impact of the actors involved in the variation of construction costs in Ecuador? A survey validated by experts is applied and has a reliability of 0.8 measured with the Alpha coefficient of Cronbach, as a result of its application 782 responses were obtained. Fraudulent practices are determined as the most influential factors in the variation of costs in 37%, 16% the non-compliance of subcontractors, 11% the timely availability of machinery or equipment, 9% the governmental environment, 8% the non-compliance of the source of financing, 6% inadequate budget planning, a 4% oversights in monitoring the execution of the project, 3% the failure of workers to meet goals, 2% in changes in designs, 2% the interaction between those involved, and 2% the planning of inadequate chronograms. Finally, the study identifies possible actions to minimize the impact of the factors analyzed on the cost of construction. In this way, the research questions raised are answered favorably.
Keyword : Construction costs, construction cost factors, cost variation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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