

    Prof. (Dr.) Tulika Saxena, Dr. Smita Dron, Dr. Richa Mishra, Dr. Rashi Saxena, Raghvendra, Aliza


Sustainability has become a crucial concept for organizations in recent years. Companies are expected to not only operate in an environmental friendly way but also to promote social and economic sustainability. By exploring the available research literature, this chapter explores the futuristic trends in management that focus on sustainability along with description of case studies by some reputed business houses. It begins with an introduction to the concept of sustainability and its importance for organizations. The chapter then delves into different trends such as sustainable supply chain management, sustainable human resource management, and sustainable business models. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the challenges organizations face in implementing sustainable practices and the importance of stakeholder engagement in achieving sustainability goals.

Keyword : Sustainability, Circular Economy, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainability Ratings, Future Trends, Environmental Impact, Sustainable Business Model Innovation (SBMI), Sustainable development, Sustainable business models (SBMs), case study.

Published in Issue
November 30, 2022
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