

    Dr Dhaani, Dr Tushar, Nilanjana Rai


Domestic violence against women is a common occurrence in India. It is defined as a condition that is aided and abetted by gender norms and ideals that place women in a subordinate position to men. The presence of domestic violence in Indian women is condemned in this study. To determine the prevalence of domestic violence, an interview schedule was created. The paper revealed that domestic abuse is still prevalent in Indian society, and women are generally unaware of the laws and organizations that deal with it. According to the report, husbands' drunkenness is one of the leading causes of domestic violence against women. The study finds many awareness facts. It suggests that to build a mass awareness against domestic violence various awareness program should be incorporated in school or university curriculum. This should revamp the thought process of youth and can build a strong resistance against this kind of domestic violence. There are several NGOs and other government organizations which are working to fight against domestic violence. So, the information regarding these organizations should be made public. Awareness program should play a pivotal role to fight against all the odds of domestic violence. Govt organizations should step forward to build a constructive awareness program against domestic violence. This review article is the general exploration of domestic violence women in slum and insight status of women in Delhi.

Keyword : Domestic Violence, slums, Delhi, NGOs

Published in Issue
October 30, 2022
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