Due to the recent processes of digitization, which lead to new business models, digitization is one of the key forces behind changing the style of working within organisations. In addition to the constantly evolving information technology in the business sector, it's critical for small and medium-sized businesses to take care of their staff and guarantee employee happiness. In this research paper, the impact of digitization on employee job satisfaction will be evaluated. In today’s competitive and dynamic business world no organization can sustain without incorporating technological innovations. Digitization has presented many challenges and excellent opportunities for organizations. Human element is considered as a panacea for organizations, as when other resources seems ineffective for confronting any new challenges this is only resource which help the business to come out with most prominent solution. Present research study focuses on the issue that how digitization affects the job satisfaction of employees. A sample size of study is 50. For which respondents have selected from various professions. Data have been gathered through a structured questionnaire. Descriptive means, Student’s t-test and ANOVA have been used to analyzing and interpretation purpose. The study reveals that how automation significantly affects the job satisfaction of any employees in context of various domains like job content, communication effectiveness, performance appraisal, training and development as well as the grievance handling procedure. The findings of the research may help to further enhance the positive outcome of digitization on employee’s satisfaction and to highlight some pitfalls in the system.
Keyword : Digitization, Job satisfaction, Training, Employees and Development.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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