

    Dr. Rekha Swarnkar, Gopal Lal Joshi


Every Government department has an Official Statistics, even then the Government do not provide the data. Rajasthan has desert of 55% of total area. Livestock of Rajasthan is one of the main source of livelihood. Livestock is also a provider for food security and insurance against poverty. Livestock is the main source of protein for the population. Milk production is also an important part of livestock products. Contribution of animal husbandry sector to the GDP of the State has been estimated to be around 10.21%. About 35% of the income of small and marginal farmers come from dairy and animal husbandry. Milk production plays a prominent role for protein in routine life. The State contributed 12 percent of milk to the nation’s production in the year 2016-17. Rajasthan is at second rank in production of milk in india. In this paper, best fitted regression model for production of milk is obtained by considering artificial insemination and medical facility as independent variables. By using time series data the forcasted value of milk production from year 2020 to 2030 is obtained.

Keyword : Livestock, Regression analysis, Milk production, Time series analysis and Forecasting.

Published in Issue
December 30, 2022
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