

    1Chandana Dey, 2Mala Tandon


Social media has touched the different aspects our life and has become an integral part. It is widely used these days be it for entertainment purpose or social purpose. In post pandemic scenario, academic system was forced to go online due to lock down. Now, online education cannot be ignored, as its advantages are experienced by the entire world during Covid period. Social media, which was considered as an entertainment platform, is also playing a positive role in academics whether it is for fast communication or information or knowledge. Now, a student can follow various teachers; join various groups of academicians on social media where questions related to the desired subjects can be asked via such groups to seek the required answers. The present research focused on studying the negative aspects of social media and how it affects the adolescent’s academic life. For fulfilling the purpose of study, primary data from 500 adolescents was taken by sending them questionnaires. The data was analyzed with the help of crosstabulation and regression analysis using SPSS software version 25.

Keyword : Social media, Adolescents, Impact, Academic performance, Eduation

Published in Issue
December 30, 2022
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