

    Ana Yanovi, Margono Setiawan, Fatchur Rohman, Mugiono


Bank DKI, the Development Bank for the Capital Region of Jakarta, must participate in realizing a cashless society to encourage and increase the use of non-cash transactions and make Jakarta the Capital of a Smart City. This study aims to fill in the research and development of The Theory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study examines the effect of e-service quality, brand image and Trust on mobile banking behavioral intentions mediated by Attitude as a mediating variable and social media advertising as moderating. The sample of this research is savings customers who already have mobile banking facilities at Bank DKI. Sampling is done by probability sampling, in proportional cluster random sampling. 400 survey was given to respondents in order to collect data. The statistical method used is SEM PLS. The findings of this study suggest that behavioral intentions are significantly influenced by the quality of the e-service, Trust, and Attitude. The brand image does not have a significant effect on behavioral intentions. Attitude mediates the relationship between electronic service quality, brand image, and Trust in behavioral intentions. Social media advertising also moderates the effect of the relationship between attitudes on behavioral intentions. Brand image is one of the most important things that affects how people feel and act toward banking products. Bank DKI must constantly work to keep its good brand reputation, stand out from its competitors, and offer something of value to its customers, who are the ones who decide whether or not they will use the bank's technology.

Keyword : E-Service Quality, Brand Image, Trust, Behavioral Intention, Attitude, Social Media Advertising.

Published in Issue
December 10, 2022
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