This study focuses on the analysis of sustainable leadership in companies within the marketing sector in Spain. To address this subject, a qualitative study was carried out of the answers given by sixty middle and high managers from the sector to a set of fifty-four questions, 46 of which were associated with Avery and Bergsteiner´s Sustainable Leadership framework. The results of the study show a clear trend towards a bee-type leadership in the Spanish marketing field. The marketing managers interviewed highlighted the importance of ensuring, from an organizational perspective, the well-being of employees, the setting of long-term goals and a concern for the environment. Although from the results obtained from our study there seems to be a clear trend towards bee-type leadership, there remains a need for companies in the marketing sector to continue to work harder towards becoming more sustainable. Despite the good results, in this sense, the marketing managers interviewed considered that work must continue to achieve sustainable leadership at its fullest.
Keyword : sustainable leadership; marketing management; corporate social responsibility; bee-type leadership, locust-type leadership
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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