Adversity quotient is the capability of an individual to work under opposed situation. Some of the demographic profile factors influencing adversity quotient of an individual are age, gender and qualification. This study aims to analyse the role of these factors in determining the level of adversity quotient of police personnel of Chandigarh Police using quantitative technique. Data has been collected from 60 participants through convenience sampling technique, using the ARP (Adversity Response Profile) scale developed by Paul Stoltz. The reliability test uses Cronbach's alpha analysis. The outcomes of explained work direct that the significance value of one of the three variables is 0.006 < 0.05 hence H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The value of this research is to add evidence on the basis of statistical conclusion regarding the impact of demographic variables on adversity quotient.
Keyword : Adversity quotient, police, demographic, ARP
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