IMPACT REVERSE MARKETING TOOLS TO REDUCE DRUG MISS USE BEHAVIORS An Exploratory Study The views a sample of pharmacists working in the private sector of the Alnagf
Purpose: - Current research aims to discovered the relationship and effect between the reverse marketing tools through to the consumer drags miss uses behavior in the holy city of Alnagf Research Methodology: -to identified the problem of the research in several questions about the nature of the link and effect relationship between research variables and for that outline supposedly as a way to get the data, and based on your search descriptive analytical method, and the research community (310) of pharmacists working in private pharmacies in the holy city of Alnagf and applied research on the sample (210) and pharmaceutically rate (71.9%) data were analyzed using a combination of statistical methods and results were extracted using a computer program (Amos.V.21& Spss.V.21) . Results: - The research findings to a group of the most important and there is a realistic problem suffered by the Iraqi society in general and consumers of drugs in the city of Alnagf in particular and practical results showed the existence of a positive relationship between some de- marketing tools and consumer behavior pharmacological.
Keyword : Reverse marketing tools, medicine, pharmaceutical and consumer behavior, the indiscriminate use of drugs, private pharmacies in the holy city of Alnagf
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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