

    Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Asadi, M. Samia Hani Ajeel, Abdulmohsin gawad keshwan, Prof. Azhar Neama Abu gnem


The current study aims to determine the nature of the relationship between psychological ownership and its combined dimensions (self-efficacy - self-identity - sense of belonging - accountability - interconnectedness - autonomy - responsibility) and harmony in the workplace with its combined dimensions (positive influence - attribution of benign motives - balancing behaviors) in a college complex University of Kufa. The methodology was designed based on the stratified sample, so 175 questionnaires were distributed to the professors who are in the college complex at the University of Kufa. Only 150 valid questionnaires were obtained for statistical analysis with a response rate of 85%, and they were analyzed by smart v.3 and SPSS v.20 programs. The problem of the study showed the existence of a knowledge gap about the interpretation of the nature of the relationship between the variables of the current study represented by the independent variable psychological ownership and the dependent variable harmony in the workplace. The study reached a set of practical results, including that there is a direct moral influence relationship between psychological ownership and harmony in the workplace. The university's chances of achieving its goals and objectives The first topic: research methodology First, the study problem: Higher education is the foundation and mechanism that works to develop society in all its aspects because it revolves around the human being, who is the axis of development, and it is the supreme goal that higher education institutions seek through their future mission. Psychological ownership, which contributes in a way to the creation of the facilities provided to the university professor and pushes them in a positive direction to perform the tasks entrusted to them and the emergence of harmony in the workplace. In order to know the prospects for the availability of these ingredients in the higher education environment at the University of Kufa, specifically in its faculties, it is necessary to study some of the problems that the university professor is going through, which is that the lack of psychological ownership leads to a lack of harmony in the workplace Organizations must take into account the construction of the social identity of the workers, whose presence gives more positive view of individuals towards their organizations, - when the individual realizes that he is a valuable member of the organization, and that he is an integral part of it, which contributes to its harmony in his workplace.

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December 10, 2022
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