Changes in current economic conditions and technological developments and trends will affect customers and their behavior. Therefore, it is to increase consumer loyalty through social media engagement. This study examines the relationship between Customers Loyalty and Prosustainability Network Quality as Mediation variables by exploring social media and customer satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach, and a sample of 300 was statistically tested through SmartPLS 3. The results of this study show: 1) Social Media has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty; 2) Social Media has a positive and significant effect on Prosustainability Network Quality; Prosustainability Network Quality has a positive and significant effect on the Customer Loyalty variable; Prosustainability Network Quality which mediates the relationship between Social Media and Customer Loyalty; Prosustainability Network Quality has a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction; Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty.
Keyword : Customers Loyalty, Prosustainability Network Quality, Social Media, Customer Satisfaction
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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