The fashion industry is one of the biggest industries in India and is growing rapidly wherein social media has replaced the traditional way of marketing. Almost every company tries to incorporate social media marketing into their organizational strategy. Past literature emphasizes the impact of social media marketing on customer-based brand equity and purchase intention but limited studies have been found that has examined its impact on brand experience, especially in the fashion industry. Therefore, this study intends to examine the impact of social media marketing i.e. word of mouth, interaction, entertainment, customization, trendiness on brand experience based on its four dimensions i.e. sensory, behavioral, intellectual and affective. The survey was conducted from 283 respondents, who are following fashion apparel brands on Social media platforms. SEM was used to get the desired results. The results revealed that there exists a positive significant relation between customer-based brand equity and brand experience. Research outcomes will provide insights to the managers for giving a good brand experience to the customers for creating a competitive advantage in the market.
Keyword : Social Media Marketing, Brand Experience, Customers, Marketers
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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