

    Aman Upadhyay, Nishant Singh and Vinayak Shinde


The Reserve Bank is always concerned about India's loan default ratios, which are constantly on the higher sides. As much as 50% of certain banks' total loans have reached this level. The banking industry has experienced a corresponding increase in credit analytics, which aids the bank in deciding whether to authorise the loan or not, with the latest advancements in data mining. Our methodology may incorporate macroeconomic aspects into the decision-making process using the current credit analytics and, when combined with machine learning techniques, can greatly anticipate how the loan may perform. The lending and borrowing patterns in the country's economy are greatly influenced by variables such as crude oil prices, the dollar exchange rate, monsoon, fiscal deficit, inflation, industrial production, inflation rate, exports and imports, GDP growth, trade deficit, interest rates on government bonds, compensation of public employees, long-term unemployment rate, gross debt, government spending, and consumer spending. By training the proposed model the goal is to reach a practical level of accuracy using methods like KNN, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression. With this, the goal is to produce outcomes that are accurately defined in terms of objective values that are rational and well-suited to loan application criteria, such as "APPROVED" and “DEFAULT”. This method can be used as a tool, to modify the present situation. This novel methodology has a lot of scope for improvements and iterations so that it is finally accepted into the real-world banking sector. This technique has a lot of room for refinement and iteration before it is fully adopted into the real-world banking industry.

Keyword : GDP, KNN Classifier, Loan Default Prediction, Machine Learning, Macro-Economic Parameters, Predicting Loan Outcome

Published in Issue
November 08, 2022
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