

    Moh. Sazali Harun1, Sugiyanto2, Keppi Sukesi3,Yayuk Yuliati4


This study basically aims to provide empirical evidence of the actualization influence of motivation on the performance of members of the Association of Farmers Group Torong Makmur Batu-Malang. The population of this study were all members of Gapoktan Torong Makmur Batu-Malang some 308 people, while the study sample consists of 75 members. The method used in collecting data using the questionnaire method of data collection method using a set of written questions (questionnaire) addressed to the respondent. By using regression analysis, the results obtained in this study are motivation affect the performance of members of the Association of Farmers Group Torong Makmur Batu-Malang. To improve the performance of members gapoktan, led to policies such as creating a conducive organizational environment, providing facilities and facilities that support, and more attention to the form of awards for its members, in addition, the leadership, it is advisable to evaluate the performance of members on a regular basis. With the expected evaluation organizations can better understand the advantages and disadvantages of its members as well as barriers or obstacles for doing the job so that members would be more effective and efficient in carrying out the work.

Keyword : Motivation, Farmer Group, Performance

Published in Issue
November 08, 2022
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