The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze the influence of empowerment and organizational commitment on organizational citizen behavior (OCB) and the performance of nurses in children's hospitals in East Java. Theoretical framework: Children's Hospital (RSA) plays an important role in the world of health both in Big Cities as well as in Small Cities. Children's Hospital is able to provide the best service to all levels of society, with the support of reliable medical personnel, complete supporting facilities and a comfortable environment as additional facilities offered by the Children's Hospital. The role of nurses as medical personnel who deal directly with patients is very influential. Therefore, the level of performance of nurses is also very decisive in assessing the quality of Children's Hospital services. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research sample was 51 nurses from 9 Children's Hospital in East Java, with the sampling technique was proportional random sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The data analysis method uses path analysis. Findings: The findings of the study are (1) empowerment has a significant effect on the OCB of nurses with a path coefficient value of 0,652 and a significant value of 0,000; (2) Organizational commitment has a significant effect on nurses' OCB with a path coefficient of 0,295 and a significant value of 0,039; and (3) OCB has a significant influence on the performance of Children's Hospital/RSA nurses in East Java with a path coefficient value of 0,508 and a significant value of 0,007. Research, Practical & Social implications: Children's Hospital/RSA nurses must always grow or develop OCB attitudes so that they can strengthen or enlarge the influence of empowerment and existing organizational commitment on nurse performance. Implications/Originality/Value: The implication of this finding is that Children's Hospital/RSA management should pay more attention to or improve employee empowerment programs and also increase the organizational commitment of nurses who are already good or getting better.
Keyword : performance, organizational commitment, nurses, empowerment, organizational citizen behavior.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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