The paper aims to develop the scale for measuring the stakeholder perspective of ethical leadership in Higher education institutions. This scale can be used to study the impact of ethical leaders on extended relationships with institution stakeholders instead of being limited to leader-follower relations. This qualitative study consists of three phases; the first is generating an item pool which includes an extensive literature review, an in-depth exploratory semi-structured interview conducted with 20 academicians in the Central University of Rajasthan, followed by the second phase of designing the scale by surveying 10 HR experts for expert testing. This study analyzes the data by conventional qualitative content analysis. In phase three, a multistage random sampling technique is used to conduct pilot testing on a sample of 30 respondents, 15 each from teaching and non-teaching staff, to ensure the reliability and validity of the items. After completing three methodology phases for this qualitative study, a final questionnaire is retained with 27 items. This scale can identify the most expected behavior of ethical leaders toward stakeholders. This instrument will be relevant for further empirical studies to measure the stakeholder perspective of ethical leadership rather than the leader-follower dimension.
Keyword : ethical leadership; higher education; stakeholders; qualitative analysis
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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