

    Mazhar Farid Chishti, Dr. Sadaf Sultan, Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed, Dr. Ikram ul Haq


Any attempt to consider spirituality while at work is often seen as being unconnected to the goal of the business. Even in fields such as accounting and finance, the time has come for academics to get over their reservations and begin incorporating discussions about spirituality into their curricula. A firm knowledge of religious doctrine helps provide a more complete perspective on ethical issues, especially those that involve economic links. This is because religious instruction helps provide a foundation for morality. Even nonbelievers are subject to the considerable influence that religion has on both societal and personal values. To have a spiritual orientation means to have the desire to make the world a better place and to give one's work meaning. If there is a higher purpose to existence, then one could reasonably hope that those in the business world will make efforts to make the world a better place. It should go without saying that a firm has a responsibility to maximize profits; nevertheless, this responsibility does not absolve a company from fulfilling its obligations to society. The sections that follow offer suggestions for how to include spirituality into business education so that aspiring business leaders will focus on more than just the maximizing of profits in their work.

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November 08, 2022
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