

    Yin Qian, Wang Lijie, Wen Xuena, Shen Haidoug


The planning, administration, and management of resources, the organization of new technological forms for a better government, the streamlining, optimizing, and transparency of new processes in the public system, in accordance with the requirements of each government, are all ways that public management can influence technological advancement in public entities. The goal is to evaluate public management and electronic governance as a transformative strategy that seeks to enhance operations and services through the use of ICTs in a transparent manner with citizen participation. Descriptive study is the research methodology used, with 46 papers chosen from reputable databases. We discovered electronic governance methods in the results, including the usage of the internet, websites, blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, digital identification, microdata, and information systems.

Keyword : Public management, information technologies, public entities, governance, efficiency, quality, productivity, e-government, internet use, public services.

Published in Issue
November 08, 2022
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