The easy method of income justification is the performance management system. To run the appraisal system, which results in forming the judgements in a suitable, defendable, and accurate manner, a well-disciplined and well-regulated system is required. With time, the conventional technique of evaluation based on reward was abandoned (Clardy, 2013). Performance management or performance review or performance appraisal as a traditional approach involves in maintaining documentation of staff’s performance record by their supervisors and communicating theses records to staff (Foss, 2007). It is aimed at measuring present performance and focusing on future goals, opportunities and resources required. Greenberg & Haviland (2008) defines performance management as one of tool which involves managing performance of an employee. Similarly, Julnes (2008) explains performance management as a comprehensive approach that involves in managing many activities together which results in effectively managing employees and teams with a view to attain notable levels of organization performance. The results can be obtained by upgrading the performance and evolving talents with structuring capacity of staff. It is a continuous step which involves supervisors and staff members. This helps in reviewing the performance of employees and encouraging them for moderate development (Bruce, 2014). Without knowledge of authenticity, Cooper (2005) explained that "a framework that is designed to analyse, reward, convince, and build might really have the opposite affect and cause disappointment and scorn."
Keyword : reward, analysis, pros n corns, authentic, explanation
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