Purpose– In this paper we look at the various product attributes and demographic variables and understand its role in the online impulse buying of grocery products. The research establishes empirical evidence to examine the importance of product related information with reference to online impulse purchase. Research methodology – An online research survey from 310 online shoppers belonging to cities Mumbai & Pune in India was conducted. A random sampling technique was utilized for data collection. Data was analysed in SPSS using validity and reliability tests and non-parametric test chi-square was used in establishing the degree of association. Findings – The findings of this research clearly identifies certain product attributes instrumental in online purchase of grocery. Product description parameters such as band, information about product delivery, virtual product presentation, etc propel consumers to purchase grocery impulsively. Demographic factors such as age, income, gender, profession and education have rather no effect on the consumers’ impulse purchase behaviour. Research limitations – The research focusses more on product description and demographic information to assess its influence on impulse buying. The research can consider internal and external stimuli that can be induced to propel impulse purchase. Also, the focus is more on consumers living in urban places rather than Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities where online grocery delivery is increasing. Practical implications – The results of this research can be used by businesses to identify areas of improvement with specific reference to product related information. The research can help marketers to set a premise on which demographic information and product description parameters can be strengthened. Originality/Value – This paper provides a clearer understanding of consumer’s impulse purchase of grocery products in the online space and eventually help marketers understand the importance of product related information that can be used by them to their advantage to induce impulse buying.
Keyword : Product Description, Online Impulse Buying, Online Grocery, Demographics, Consumer Behaviour.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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