Internet marketing is the practise of marketing and selling products and services via the use of the internet as a distribution and sales channel. With a texting-based website that just provided product information and other necessary information, internet marketing first gained traction in the year 1990. It deals with more than only the selling of goods; it also deals with several advertisement platform such as websites, software, applications, and social media. Websites like Amazon.com, YouTube.com, Alibaba.com, Google.com, and Yahoo.com are just a few of the businesses that have changed how the internet is used for marketing in the twenty-first century. Among the many online marketing strategies are pay-per-view,pay-per-click, and pay-per-call advertisements. New marketing strategies are created every day. It is critical to understand the current trend. Every organization is constantly creating new techniques in order to find a better strategy to optimize income and company growth. Consumers are growing more smarter these days. There are couple of trends in digital marketing which help a customer to understand about the right information from time to time. An attempt was made to find out which of these digital marketing trends is impacting the decision-making process of the customer, more. In this research study, it is found that most of the respondents are being impacted by the Chatbots among other digital marketing trends followed by Voice-search.
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What were the problems, you found, while using Chatbots? (Checkboxes) a) It could not understand my query b) It could not understand my wordings c) It took a long time to help me out d) It was unable to solve my issue and I needed to speak to a person. e) Others. 5. We, mostly, use the Chatbots for? a) Product/service information b) Finding a right point of contact/agent c) Making a complaint d) Other 6. Rate your experience with chatbot a) Satisfied b) Very satisfies c) Neutral d) Unsatisfied e) Very unsatisfied 7. Do you ever use voice searches on any device? (For e.g., Google Assistant on Android) a) Yes b) No 8. Which device are you using, voice search assistants, on: a) iPhone b) Android c) Desktop d) Other 9. How frequently do you use voice search? a) Daily b) Weekly c) Monthly d)Hardly ever 10. Positive things about voice search a) Faster response b) Voice assistance c) Ease of use d) Available in multilingual e) Others 11. Problems of voice search a) Accuracy in results b) Timeliness c) Accent recognition d) Background Novicee) Others. 12. Rate your experience with voice search a) Satisfied b) Very satisfies c) Neutral d) Unsatisfied e) Very unsatisfied