

    Nikhitha. R, Dr. Priya .S


Any business's success depends on effective marketing, and this is especially true in the present era with its fierce competition. Given the limited resources and insatiable human want, green marketing has become inevitable. Therefore, it is important to use resources wisely for both the present and future generations. The role of green marketing is paramount in this regard. To please customers who choose items of good quality, performance, and convenience at cheap costs, while at the same time having no negative effects on the environment, green marketing is the process of designing products and services and advertising them. It covers a wide range of operations such product modification, altering the manufacturing process, altered promotion, and altered packaging that are intended to lessen the harmful effects. This paper is exclusively based on the secondary data. An attempt is made to shed the light on the new concepts namely green marketing and green consumerism. In order to maintain the environment for present and future generations, green consumerism places responsibility for developing things that are environmentally beneficial on manufacturers. It also covers the factors that affect and the moral dilemmas raised by green marketing.

Keyword : Green marketing, Consumer Practices, green consumerism, and ethics in marketing

Published in Issue
Oct 31, 2022
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