

    Ms.V.Vaishnavi, Dr. Santhanalakshmi


Our research examines the relation between voice behavior and psychological contract fulfilment and violations. The study supports encouraging the growth of good voice behavior since it will help the company expand and progress in accordance with industry norms, particularly in the next hi-tech era. In this digital age, it is challenging for firms to compete and survive, if the workers are failed to show positive voice behavior. Thus, this work examines the influence of psychological contract directly on the empowering leadership of women police officials in south Chennai. For the model's evaluation and validation, a cross-sectional survey analysis was undertaken. Using a self reported questionnaire, data were gathered. Results reveal a robust and favorable association between psychological contract fulfilment and voice-promotional activity.

Keyword : Voice Behavior,Job Empowerment,Leadership, Women Police Officials

Published in Issue
Oct 31, 2022
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