This research explores the variation in Investment Behaviour of Household Investors in Wayanad district of Kerala, a relatively low literate and economically backward district of Kerala state in India. A multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was applied for the selection of sample Households from the complete list of household investors in the District. The examination based on 300 responses collected from the household investors across the three Block Panchayaths (Kalpetta,Sulthan bather and Mananthawady) in wayanad district, finds that there exists significant variation in the Investment objectives(IO), Financial literacy (FL) and Saving Habit (SH) of Household investors. The variation was tested by using Two-Way ANOVA. The results show that the Investment objectives and financial literacy of the households selected for the purpose of study varies considerably according to their annual family income and the saving habits of the households vary significantly according to their educational qualification.
Keyword : investment, investment behaviour, investment objectives, financial literacy, saving habits.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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