Research objective: This research is to explore relationship between emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship attitude of Business Program students in United Arab Emirates (UAE) . Methodology : The research is descriptive. Structured questionnaires were designed to collect data related to emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship attitude.. The sample of the study included 387students pursuing Bachelors degree in Business program in UAE. Two stage randomized sampling method was adopted. Descriptive statistical analysis methods were used analyse the data collected. Findings : There is no significant correlation between total score of entrepreneurial attitude orientation and emotional intelligence among students in United Arab Emirates . There was high mean value for variables of entrepreneurship attitude orientation- (achievement and self esteem) among students , but lower mean values for innovation and personal control variables . Emotional expression, emotional self awareness, Social responsibility and independence variable means, which are part of emotional intelligence are lower for the students. Research Implication: Attitudinal orientation has a significant impact in identifying and promoting students as entrepreneurs in future. Educators in United Arab emirates should create a learning environment that foster emotional intelligence and that can enable entrepreneurship attitude orientation among students in UAE. Any study on entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence should take into concern the implications of culture in UAE. Self expression, an important component of emotional intelligence was found to be low among UAE students, which brings attention to culture of collectivism in UAE and need for education on emotional intelligence.
Keyword : Emotional Intelligence, Emotional expression, Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation, Business Graduates, United Arab Emirates (UAE), self-efficacy.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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