E-commerce businesses are expanding and reaching the farthest corners of the country. This swift growth has provided greater opportunities to e-vendors and consumers alike. On the other hand, this growth has also exposed the dire impact of e-retailing on the environment. A growing section of the population is consciously engaging in green consumerism to contribute toward the betterment of the environment. Consumers may find green consumerism alluring but it may not always result in actual buying because of many other factors impacting buying intention. This study aims to identify the factors that help consumers to form positive intentions to buy green products based on the three dimensions (Economic, Social & Environmental) of sustainable consumerism. Amalgamating these three dimensions into e-retailing purchase decisions will ensure a conducive relationship between the environment and consumer perceptions about the benefits received. A convenience sample of 147 was collected using a structured online questionnaire. Structural Equation Modeling was done using SMART PLS. The results established that environmental concern, environmental awareness, consumer’s ethical beliefs and E-WOM significantly influence the intention to buy green products online. It was also found that willingness to pay is moderating the relationship between E-WOM and buying intention.
Keyword : Sustainable Consumerism, buying intention, environmental concern, environmental awareness, E-WOM, ethical beliefs, e-retailing
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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