An institution must have an assessment procedure in place to be successful. Each institution has a unique system in place for assessment. At light of the evolving educational landscape, the performance appraisal (PA) system in universities and higher education institutions has acquired significant importance. The performance evaluation process is less strict in higher education institutions than it is in commercial enterprises. Companies now use well-organized systems for evaluating employee performance, such as the Management by Objective and Multiple Source (360 degree) Appraisal Method). Because of globalisation, the globe has been expanding quickly, and the composite market has become smaller. As a consequence, educational institutions are unable to avoid competition and are forced to take the initiative in a conflict with educational facilitators. The management of faculty performance and effectiveness today requires an organised framework of evaluation, therefore the faculty appraisal system in Indian universities needed to be made more equitable and ready to face future problems. The purpose of this study is to determine what needs to be improved in academic institutions' performance assessment systems as well as what elements have the most impact.
Keyword : Human resource management, Management, Personnel management, Organization and Universities
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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