The study aims to promote Survival skills or life skills among the secondary school students who are intensely become a major part of certain issues in life due to the scarcity of confidents and inability to meet the challenges. Therefore, the need of survival skills is very crucial for the well-being of the society. Hence, the one and only way to reframe such a meaningful community is provided by quality education. The quality can be elevated through integrating a holy book, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita within the current education system. The survival skills based on instrumental dimension possesses an important role in human life. Hence, the investigator analyzed Gita where the these skills are clearly alluded in the form of an advice between Shree Krishna and Arjuna followed by an integration of life skills on instrumental dimension with the scientific concepts. It indicates the significant role of holy book in the education field of 21st Century. For a deep analysis on integration of Gita verses with the concepts in chemistry for developing srvival skills based on instrumental dimension among secondary school students, the researcher utilized the qualitative research method named, hermeneutics as an appropriate way.
Keyword : Gita verses, Scientific Concepts , Survival Skills, Instrumental Dimension,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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