

    Shalini Tiwari, Nitin Kalla


This paper presents the systematic literature review to update existing CSF reviews and also attempt is made to investigate the CSFs for implementation of ERP. The major emphasis the CSFs of ERP system implementation in any projects is generally given to its CSF. The successful implementation of ERP has numerous advantages for the organization implementing ERP. Many research papers are being considered for the study. On the basis of literature review twenty-one CSF is identified for the ERP implementation. For the study both qualitative and quantitative research approach is combined. We conducted several interviews and distributed questionnaires to the ERP implementation team and higher authorities as they play vital role in implementing ERP. The respondents have given their ratings to the various identified CSF and on the basis of that ranking is assigned to the CSF. The goal of our research is to contribute to CSFs of ERP projects, especially considering iron and steel industries. We demonstrated that various factors identified in literature influenced the success of implementation of ERP projects in the research field.

Keyword : ERP Implementation, CSF, Success, Projects, Iron & Steel Industries

Published in Issue
Sep 11, 2022
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