

    Mr. Karthik Reddy, Dr. Aakash Kumar, Dr. N.Gurunatha Naidu, Mr. Mahabub Basha S


Purpose: The study aims at exposing any possible impact of customer satisfaction in the banking sector with reference to FINTECH. Research Methodology: The article explores the role of FinTech in meeting and exceeding the customer satisfaction in banking field. A total of 195 questionnaires were randomly administered to all walk-in customers at the selected banks (ICICI, HDFC, IOB, PNB and AXIS) over a period of three months. The authors have selected the Non-Probabilistic Convenient Sampling technique has been applied for the study. Findings: Study found that there is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction towards FINTECH and Ease of use, Security and Privacy, Convenience, Information presentation. Research Limitations: The results are subject to the limitation of limited data and reference period. Study is limited to sample of 195 customers from only selected banks in Bangalore city Originality/Value: In present times, researchers are showing keen interest to know the possible impact of customer satisfaction in the banking sector with reference to FINTECH. However in spite of being rapidly growing banking sector, selected banks in the present study has not been explored much. The present study aims to bridge this research gap.

Keyword : Fintech, Customer satisfaction, Banking sector, Information Technology

Published in Issue
Sep 11, 2022
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