
Gamification Framework with Reference Business Perspective

    KDV Prasad, Mruthyanjaya Rao Mangipudi


The purpose of this manuscript is to develop and present a gamification framework with eight gamifying mechanics for the business environment and delineate how these mechanisms are different in-game and business/workplace considering gamification as an application of games in non-gaming contexts.The gamification mechanics has eight framework elements –meaning, accomplishment, ownership, scarcity, employment, social influence, unpredictability, and avoidance. Each framework element has 4 sub-elements. Every framework element has described in detail where do they appear in the game vs where do they appear in the business/workplace and their relevance. The eight-element gamification mechanics framework developed considering the business in e-commerce industry. Each and framework element was dissected and developed considering in business/workplace environment in parallel with the gaming environment under non-gaming contexts. The study resulted in the development gamification mechanics framework for a business environment which can be applied in any business environment and workplace. The framework can be used for employee motivation, enhanced employee engagement, and enhanced quality of work further to develop healthier competitive strategies for the business environment.

Keyword : Gamification, mechanics, workplace, business, strategies

Published in Issue
Aug 31, 2022
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