The technique of advertising goods or services that are ecologically friendly influence on the environment is known as "green marketing." It entails talking to customers about the use of eco-friendly packaging, production techniques, and materials. Objectives: The aim of the study are to identify the awareness level of the consumers towards the green marketing. Research methods: The study is descriptive in nature made empirically in Chennai city. 250 sample respondents have been selected using convenient sampling method. The study was conducted during the period of November and December 2022. The primary data has been collected using the interview schedule. Their level of awareness has been measured using 5 point Likert scale with 7 statements related to green marketing. The data have been analyzed using the SPSS software. Result: It is found that the people spending more towards the eco-friendly products are highly aware about the green marketing Conclusion: Green marketing focuses on advertising goods and services that are either eco-friendly or have no negative environmental effects. Businesses may show their dedication to sustainability and inform clients about the advantages of their goods by using eco-friendly materials, sustainable manufacturing techniques, and green packaging.
Keyword : Emerging market, Green Marketing, Consumers, Consumer preference & behavior. Eco-Friendly Products and Green Packaging
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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