Emotions are part and parcel of human mind. Throughout human evolution, not only the physical appearance of man changed in order to adapt the environment but even the thinking, mindset and way of looking things also evolved with new challenges and situations. In order to adapt to the changing environments and lifestyle and also due to the invent of new techniques to master the human mind, controlling the mind or the emotions becomes vital in order to cope with the fast-paced changing world. With this ever-changing dynamic environment around us, it becomes a real challenge for mankind to master over the mind. Health workers are a vital cog in any society and they are the one who monitors, heals and treats people when they need medical assistance. The well-being of health industry is paramount considering the challenging times we faced in the recent past. More than anything, emotional well-being of these health works are very important and vital for the survival and well-being of the nation. These health workers work under tremendous stress and pressure in order to save lives. Extra pressure comes when they are bound to keep them safe also during these difficult working conditions. With the leanings from pandemic, it is really important for the health industry workforce to keep them mentally fit and stable during testing situations of long working hours coupled with race against time to save human lives. This paper will deal elaborately on the different emotions the health workers will undergo during their shifts of work. It also throws light on few aspects which keeps them performing while carrying out their duties. This will also be useful for researchers to understand and appreciate the importance of managing one’s own emotions especially in the health care industry.
Keyword : Self-awareness, Self-Regulation , Empathy , Social Skills
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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