The use of smartphones by customers is becoming an increasingly prominent topic of investigation in marketing research. Particularly important in the field of marketing has been the study of customer behaviour in the smartphone industry, from adoption motivation through post-use behaviour. Consumers' minds, energies, and routines are all altered as a result. Smartphones' rapid ascent to essential status in people's daily lives has made them a must-have in every aspect of their existence. There has been a significant change in the mentality and ambitions of customers, as well as a continuing rise in the amount of discretionary cash available to spend. The study concluded, the mobile phone buying behavior is driven by a combination of factors such as brand loyalty, convenience, features, price, and social media influence. Understanding these factors can help businesses develop effective marketing strategies to reach and engage with potential customers. Objectives of the study: The broad objective of the study is to identify the significant factors affecting the purchase of mobile phones among college students. Research Methodology This is an empirical study conducted in Chennai city. The behaviour of the college students towards buying the smart phone is analyzed with a sample of 300 respondents in the Chennai City. The students studying in arts and Science College are selected purposively. The respondents are selected using simple random sampling technique. The data were collected through the Google Forms. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software.
Keyword : An examination of the Relationship between Mobile Phones, Consumer Purchasing Habits, Smartphones, and Preference for Certain Brands
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