Every organization struggles to respond to the rapid development of Increasing competition, fast-developing technology, pandemic, and post-pandemic change in business life demands more organizational creativity to face the challenges. effective leadership. In response to this organizational creativity, Paradoxical leader behaviors can influence employees to become more creative in the organization to solve problems. This study analyses how paradoxical leadership (PL) predicts organizational creativity through mediating role of organizational resilience. The five dimensions of paradox consider subordinates uniformly whereas considering individualization, directing self-centeredness with other-centeredness, retaining decision control while giving autonomy, demanding work requirements while having work flexibility, and retaining both distance and closeness. The conceptual paper will find explore the influence of paradoxical leadership on organizational creativity, the association between resilience and organizational creativity, and paradoxical leadership behavior and resilience will explore. The research paper promotes to understand the role of Paradoxical leadership and how it enhances organizational creativity.
Keyword : Behaviour, Creativity, Innovation Paradoxical, Resilience.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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