

    Dr. M. Soundarapandian*


During the present technology era, everywhere new inventions, new ideologies has been occupied in traditional ways. Similarly, education also transformed it to face fast technological support. Now a days, students and teachers have many ways to participate with learning environment. These are all providing over the internet and it is calling by the name of online learning. In the Indian situation where there is a shortage of teachers, MOOCs can play a vital role in imparting higher education as they provide equal access to everyone regardless of their socioeconomic status, gender, age and cost affordability. It is also a response to large societal needs related to learning. In order to analyze the factors influencing the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of the faculties of management institutions on the online learning, primary data were collected in selected institutions offering online management education programs. Tamil Nadu state is purposively selected for the study, as it is one among the advanced state of India. The primary data were collected from 100 faculty members to analyze the factors influencing the KAP on online learning in Tamil Nadu. While concluding, it is suggested that the educational institutions must be fully motivational and encouraged rather than the staff members for the effective implementation of the online learning management education programs. In order to tune with the recent development at the global level, management education programs with employability and digital skills could be provided through the successful online education programs.

Keyword : Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Online Management Education

Published in Issue
December 29, 2022
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