

    Dr. Y. Muralidhar Reddy 1, Dr. Roopa M B 2, Dr. Roopa K 3, Prof. Arthi Meena 4


Purpose : The advent in the area of technology has empowered the millennials and they are influenced by fashion apparels and they wear the fashionable fabrics and to distinguish themselves with others. This trend has become fashion dilemma and the intention of this paper is to understand the significance of social media and its influence on millennials to buy fashion apparels and how far social media is effective in creating the positive impact on millennials to buy fashion apparel. Approach : A sample of 200 millennials who are studying in different courses at Bengaluru in different selected area, is used to assess the impactness of social media on millennials by applying different statistical tools like Kendall’s co-efficient concordance, Garrett Ranking Technique and weighted average. Findings : The result of the study indicate about the presence of significant and high degree of relationship between the variables. The findings reveals that the significance of social media is very much impacted by the factors like creates viral content, easily accessible, creates and share visual content etc., The study indicates about how social media impacts on millennials buying behaviour of fashion apparels. The study reveals factors like brands impacts a lot on millennials, new style fashion apparels, social and personal identity etc., are the factors which impacts social media on the millennials. Further, the study also indicates about factors affecting positive impactness of social media on millennials and they consist of educates about brand in turn the millennials are strongly impacted, social media helps to promote creditability and innovation among millennials and teenagers can easily search and obtain general information.

Keyword : Generation Y, identity, social status, fashion apparels, writing skill, teenagers brands, viral, insights, consciousness, convey identity.

Published in Issue
December 29, 2022
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