They have discussed how the integration of AI into education and career paths can contribute to achieving the Global Sustainable Development Goals, especially in terms of creating better jobs. Advanced technologies enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) for talent assessment have the potential to provide tailored solutions, especially in rural areas where access to schools and quality jobs is often out of reach. To help rural students and graduates find jobs that best suit their abilities and current market demands, this project will look at how these AI technologies can be used to assess their abilities and what areas they should have prosperous. The study identified several AI applications designed to help people transition from school to work through a mapping approach to analyzing secondary data from AI applications and projects The three main applications in this application are employment about advice and search, skills development and job matching. Notably, 94% of the AI solutions found were developed by start-ups. This highlights the importance of upgrading technology in addressing issues related to rural education and employment. In addition to helping students and graduates test their skills, this AI also provides customized recommendations for future educational and career endeavors, enabling users to make informed choices a knowledge-based it also improves the job search process by helping recruiters find individuals whose skills are best suited. This is especially true in rural areas where labor displacement and inequality can be high. Research emphasizes the importance of social engineering policy that balances the emphasis on technological benefits with closely analysing the impact on labor rights, social security, and equitable economic development We need to see AI. The study also shows that there is not enough information or comprehensive research on the impact of AI on organizational readiness or long-term outcomes in rural areas. This lack of knowledge highlights the need for more research and holistic modeling to examine the technological and social implications of AI in the workplace and classroom. The introduction of AI should be accompanied by policies and practices to promote ethical use and social responsibility; On the other hand, technology can transform rural labor markets and encourage inclusive growth.
Keyword : artificial intelligence (AI), AI-driven skill assessment, rural students and graduates, personalized learning, employment.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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