

    Arjun Bhattacharya


The caste system constitutes a social hierarchy and discrimination, notably prominent in South Asia, particularly in India. Within the field of social sciences, there is a consensus regarding the fundamental characteristics of social exclusion, the primary markers that indicate it, and the resulting effects it has on human impoverishment. This paper, through comprehensive literature survey, explores how the institution of caste enables certain groups of people to exclude other groups in terms of access to economic, political and social rights. Moreover, other forms of discrimination, viz. gender, religion, tribe, ethnicity, regional; their channels of discrimination and how they are different from aspect of caste is explored. Finally, this paper sheds light on the class-caste debates and these two forms of discrimination are interlinked.

Keyword : Caste, Social exclusion, channels of discrimination, social classes

Published in Issue
FEBRUARY 14, 2025
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