

    Berty Roy B, Dr. Basheer Ahamed S


Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and utilize emotions in oneself and others. It involves self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and effective social skills, enabling better interpersonal relationships, communication, and overall emotional well-being. Teachers need emotional intelligence to understand and respond effectively to students' emotions, creating a supportive and empathetic learning environment. This skill helps manage classroom dynamics, address individual needs, and handle conflicts sensitively. Emotional intelligence enables teachers to build strong relationships, boost student engagement, and foster a positive educational experience. The present study aims to identify the effects of emotional intelligence factors on teachers working in Tirupattur district, Tamil Nadu, India. It was designed to find the six dimensions of self-awareness and social awareness among the respondents working in aided and self-finance colleges. The current study carried out on 227 (male and female) of the respondents of this study. The data were analyzed through Z-Test, one-way ANOVA, Correlation analysis. Result revealed that the correlation exists between the dimensions of research papers published and emotional intelligence, encompassing elements such as self-assessment, resource adequacy, conflict resolution, and overall emotional intelligence.

Keyword : Emotional Intelligence, Self-Esteem, Self-Assessment, Emotional Resilience, Work Family Spillover, Conflict Resolution.

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FEBRUARY 10, 2025
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