

    Dr.J.Anitha, Dr.A.Saravanan


In the digital age, client experience (CX) has emerged as a pivotal component in fostering logo loyalty, reshaping how manufacturers interact with their customers. This examine explores the role of CX in preserving clients amidst the disruptions introduced through virtual technologies. Employing a mixed-strategies approach, a quantitative survey (n=500) evaluated the have an impact on of CX dimensions on loyalty, even as qualitative interviews (n=20) with CX experts supplied insights into optimizing CX. Key findings screen that personalization, omnichannel integration, and emotional engagement are important drivers of loyalty. Thematic analysis of interviews underscores the significance of information-driven CX techniques, worker empowerment, and cultivating a customer-centric way of life. These results verify that strategic CX management significantly enhances emblem loyalty within the virtual generation.

Keyword : Customer revel in, emblem loyalty, digital technology, personalization, omnichannel integration, emotional engagement, data-pushed strategies, customer-centric lifestyle.

Published in Issue
January 31, 2025
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