The primary goal of this research is to determine the role that "social entrepreneurship" plays in the economic growth of rural communities. As per this study, it has been identified that rural areas are often observed as the strength of food production of a nation's resource base that frequently grapples with economic stagnation. It has been studied that restricted job opportunities, poverty, and inadequate access to essential services often harm regions. Research objectives have been discussed within this section which helps to gain detailed knowledge about this study. as per this study, it has to be discussed that, the social enterprise jobs are observed to take root the income levels of the rural residents are observed to rise. The primary quantitative method has been used in this study to analyze the collected data quantitatively. In this research, SPSS software has been used which helps to analyze the collected data statistically. Therefore, based on 10 survey questions, researchers could able to collect real-time data. In this part, the proper explanation of the study issue has been underlined. According to this study, "social entrepreneurship" has been found to positively influence how rural regions' economies are developing. Consequently, this study contributes to the comprehensive information-gathering process on the variables that significantly influence "social entrepreneurship". With the help of primary quantitative data, real-time data has to be collected by this study which helps to gain detailed knowledge about this study. Moreover, the importance of “social entrepreneurship” has to be discussed within the research which has a positive impact on the improvement of rural areas.
Keyword : Social Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, Rural Communities, Poverty Alleviation, Job Creation, Rural Economy, Quantitative Analysis, SPSS Software, Income Levels, Community Empowerment, Sustainable Development, Social Enterprises, Rural Development, Survey Data, Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas.

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