The integration of SI with the Internet of Things promises revolutionary advantages in different fields. Inspired by decentralized and self-organizing behaviors in biological systems, ACO and PSO SI algorithms may optimize resource management in IoT networks, raise energy efficiency, and even improve security. This paper addresses the question of how SI can be used to overcome critical challenges within IoT, particularly within WSN, healthcare, smart cities, and industrial applications, in order to gain adaptability, scalability, and autonomous performance in real time with system behavior redefinition toward an untangling future of connected technology. This research, thus, will also point out other applications in agriculture, traffic management, and energy grids while discussing how the amalgamation of SI and IoT brings its ethical and security concerns.
Keyword : Swarm Intelligence, Internet of Things, Healthcare, ACO, Smart Cities

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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