This research conducted on judgements of SMEs Managers regarding the abilities required by B-school graduates in south India for entrepreneurial development, this was motivated by the need to ensure that business education graduates in the region to learn necessary skills for entrepreneurial success. Three research questions directed the investigation, and six hypotheses were explored. The study was designed as a descriptive survey. The population was 540 and 230 selected as sample size using a proportionate stratified random selection procedure. Data was collected using a 30-item structured 5-point likert rating scale questionnaire that was validated. The test re-test approach was employed to establish the instrument's reliability, and Cronbach Alpha provided an overall reliability coefficient of 0.75. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions and establish the cohesion of respondents' evaluations, while the z-test was used to test hypotheses at a significance level of 0.05. According to the findings, respondents evaluated human relations skills, innovative skills, and problem-solving skills as critical for business education graduates' entrepreneurial development. Based on these findings, it was recommended, among other things, that regulatory agencies for business education programs review the curriculum to integrate and adequately emphasise the skills rated as highly needed, and that implementers take appropriate approaches to help all graduates acquire them in order to become successful entrepreneurs who contribute to the area's entrepreneurial growth.
Keyword : Entrepreneurship, MSMEs, Business Schools. Entrepreneurial skills, Entrepreneurs

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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