Right to work means everyone should be given an opportunity in par with other to work and meet their daily needs. This enabled everyone to earn their livelihood with the skills that they acquire. The principles of fundamental rights and human rights exist to ensure equal and unbiased protection for all individuals. Various international and domestic legislations exist to safeguard and secure the equal rights of individuals with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities are those who lack the ability to carry out work-related duties in the same manner as individuals without disabilities. Individuals with impairments in India are provided with equitable employment options. Individuals in question may have either cognitive deficits or intermittent physical difficulties. Disablement can occur due to work-related accidents as well. These persons usually face a decrease in their ability to earn money; as a result, they receive compensation for overcoming this loss. Despite the fact that all workers are afforded equal opportunity, there is nevertheless a situation in which laws do not adequately protect those with disabilities. In order to protect and enhance the rights of all individuals without any kind of discrimination, the idea of equality before the law has emerged. On the other hand, disabled people frequently have their opportunities for employment denied to them owing to their impairments, despite the fact that they educate themselves academically. The phenomenon of prejudice has been probed in different situations. The objective of this study is to undertake an analysis of the various laws in India that are designed to protect disabled persons, guarantee their rights, and establish working conditions that are advantageous for them. In addition, the purpose of this study is to investigate the function of the judicial system in India with regard to the administration of justice to people who have impairments.
Keyword : Disabled Person, Employees Rights, Reservation policies, Working Condition, Workplace equality.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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