Increasing the quality of destinations cannot be separated from the role of the government and community participation. As a government regulator, the government can formulate policies to regulate tourism development activities in an area, as well as its function as a facilitator, the government can facilitate this development by providing the necessary infrastructure, building infrastructure and public facilities, and making various trainings and providing financial assistance in the framework of development. human Resources. The quality of tourism destinations will guarantee the sustainability of tourism in the region because more and more tourists will visit, longer tourist stays, and higher tourist spending, so that the community will get economic benefits, in this case entrepreneurship will emerge along with the growth of business activities. from society and will affect the socio-economy of the community which in turn will lead to a better level of social welfare. In this study briefly will discuss the role of government, community participation which has an influence on the quality of tourism destinations in Mandailing Natal Regency.
Keyword : The Role of Government, Community Participation, Quality of Tourism Destinations
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